Shopping Results
Alaska Airlines // 2014

In late 2014 Alaska Airlines underwent the first of two company-wide rebrands (the second occurred in 2015). As a Visual Designer, I partnered with a UX Designer to tackle the redesign of the shopping results page. The UX designer identified all data scenarios pertaining to date ranges, flight information, and seating tiers. With that extracted data, I was able to design a new hierarchy of information that allowed the customer to easily scan flight results.

An important requirement was making sure any new Brand Refresh color and type treatment were compliant to WCAG 2.0 standards. I checked my design by using online tools to ensure compliance. I used tints of the new brand colors to achieve appropriate color labeling when it came to seating tiers, and made sure to communicate the use of these tints to fellow designers for consistency across all web spaces. My designs were reviewed on a biweekly basis with the Alaska Airlines creative team, content producers, developers, and various stakeholders. 

Alaska Airlines shopping results before redesign.


The first wireframe iteration.


Final design.